It has come to my attention that I have not been sticking true to the title The Lovely Nerd. I created my blog not only for my passion of books, but also to gush about my passion for the nerdy things of life. One of my, as some may say, obsessions is Doctor Who. Now, I'm not going to explain the show to my readers- that would be cheating. I will share with my readers the joys of The Doctor in a short blog series. For those who do watch the show, they would know who the first Doctor is (Christopher Eccleston.)
"I'm a Time Lord. The last of the Time Lords."
"Don't drop the banana!"
"Why not?"
"It's a good source of potassium!"
To me, the Eccleston Era is an Era for of hope, love, and passion. There are many reasons why I adore Doctor Who, but it would take too long to tell you every reason why. However, I will tell you the main reason: his passion. The Doctor, the last of the Time Lords, is fueled by the pain of losing his race. In his early days, before he had his first regeneration, he took the name, Doctor, to, not only do good will, but also to mask his true name. In the entire series, we never learn the Doctor's true name.
In Season One, The Doctor takes on a "companion" (one who travels through time and space with The Doctor)- Rose Tyler. Rose was an average, every day type of girl; that is, until she meets The Doctor. Her life is turned upside down by animated shop dummies. From the moment she meets The Doctor, she decided that she wanted to run with him forever.
They went on many adventures together: The End Of The World, The Unquiet Dead, Aliens of London, World War Three, etc.. Unfortunately, Eccleston only stayed with us for one precious season. In the end he regenerated from absorbing the time vortex energy to save Rose from dieing (she absorbed the time vortex energy to save him.) A classic example of irony.
Doctor Who is not a "geek" show, as Non-Whovians make it out to be. I can say, without an ounce of doubt in my heart, that Doctor Who is one of the things that make my day better. It's a show that is a masked kidnapper; it seems like an odd sci-fi that you are not sure whether to watch again, it draws you and sucks you in, then refuses to let you go. And, the bad part is, you like it. Who knows? Maybe it's just me.
"Maybe, if you'd like, you could come with me?"
To Be Continued:
Doctor Who: Tennant Era