(Matt Smith)
Matt Smith is probably my favorite Doctor. He's like an uncoordinated house cat! (Seriously, he trips over everything.) There are so many characteristics about him that are admirable, but the one I like the most is he is like a best friend to his viewers. Like most of the Doctors, he is driven by his passion and ferocity.
From his beginning episode, he declares "Bowties are cool." He is truly introduced in The Eleventh Hour, where he meets Amy Pond, the confident, spunky, troublemaker- the little girl with the crack in the wall. The Doctor went into his new T.A.R.D.I.S. control room to give it a spin, promising to be five minutes, but came back twelve years later.
River: What in the name of sanity do you have on your head?
Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
On the first episode of Smith's reign, it tells us how he met Amy Pond, and the future Rory Pond. We are also introduced to the time crack in Amy's wall. The Doctor then leaves to test out his new decked out T.A.R.D.I.S., but returns, yet again at a later time, on the night before Amy's wedding. He always comes back, doesn't he?
Canton Delaware: [into car radio] Suspect directly ahead. Coming to you now. Over.
Amy Pond: Canton.
Canton Delaware: [steps out of his car] Miss Pond.
Amy Pond: Is that a body bag?
Canton Delaware: Yes it is.
Amy Pond: It's empty.
Canton Delaware: How about that?
Rory: I couldn't help it! It happened, it just happened!
Amy Pond: Shut up!
[Amy kisses Rory] The Doctor: Yeah, shut up, because we've got to go!
[Amy kisses Rory] The Doctor: Yeah, shut up, because we've got to go!
Rory: I waited. 2,000 years, I waited for you.
Amy Pond: No, still shut up!
[Amy kisses him for longer] The Doctor: And break! And breathe!
[Amy kisses him for longer] The Doctor: And break! And breathe!
The Doctor: [Turns to Amelia] Well, someone didn't get out much for 2,000 years!
Amelia: [Tugs the Doctor's sleeve] I'm thirsty. Can I get a drink?
The Doctor: Oh, it's all mouths today, isn't it!
Oh, the Ponds. I adore the Ponds. Aside from Rose, the Ponds are my favorite companions. There's this certain thing about them that makes me want to watch their episode over and over again. Perhaps, it's their journey together. When they were first introduced, they weren't as close. Amy had a hard time admitting she really love Rory, which resulted in Rory believing that she loved The Doctor more than she loved him. It took The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, and The Big Bang for their relationship to be truly secured. Rory even had to choose between the older Amy and young Amy in The Girl Who Waited.
When they finally married, I was ready to join them in the rest of their journey together. Trust me, it's a long journey. Rory and Amy loved each other very much, even though some fans doubt it. I suppose it's really how you see it.
Amy Pond: What's the book?
The Doctor: "Melody Malone" She's a private detective in old town New York.
Amy Pond: She's got ice in her heart, a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden. The Doctor: Oh, you've read it?
Rory Williams: You read, aloud, and then went, "Yowzah!"
The Doctor: "Melody Malone" She's a private detective in old town New York.
Amy Pond: She's got ice in her heart, a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden. The Doctor: Oh, you've read it?
Rory Williams: You read, aloud, and then went, "Yowzah!"
The Doctor: What the hell are you doing?
Amy Pond: Changing the future. Its called marriage.
Amy Pond: Changing the future. Its called marriage.
And, my personal favorite:
Amy Pond: Hello, old friend, and here we are. You and me, on the last page. By the time you read these words, Rory and I will be long gone. So know that we lived well, and were very happy. And above all else, know that we will love you, always. Sometimes I do worry about you, though. I think once we're gone, 'you won't be coming back here for a while, and you might be alone, which you should never be. Don't be alone, Doctor. And do one more thing for me. There's a little girl waiting in a garden. She's going to wait a long while, so she's going to need a lot of hope. Go to her. Tell her a story. Tell her that if she's patient, the days are coming that she'll never forget. Tell her she'll go to sea and fight pirates. She'll fall in love with a man who'll wait two-thousand years to keep her safe. Tell her she'll give hope to the greatest painter who ever lived and save a whale in outer space. Tell her this is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends.
Oh the journey's.... I can't tell you all of them, but I can tell a few. One of my favorite's may be The Day of the Moon, where a new villain- The Silence- are introduced. Whenever you look at The Silence, you remember. Then you turn, and you forget. It was quite interesting. We hear, "The Silence will fall when the question is answered." a lot. Whoever orders them around wants to know the oldest question in the book, written in plain sight. Doctor who?
Another episode I like is The Angels Take Manhattan. This is one of the episodes where you really need a box of tissues, because it is a true tear jerker. Rory is teleported back in time by the Weeping Angels, and Amy and The Doctor embark to find Rory. The T.A.R.D.I.S. can't take them back to normal time; it will punch a whole in the time and space continuum. So, to try and get back to normal time, they jump off the roof of their hotel. And, it works! They did return to current day- but, it also kills them. Rory is again transported back by the Weeping Angels. Amy, heartbroken, blinks to join the man who she loves.
"Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war
Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war
Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war
Demons run, but count the cost
The battle's won, but the child is lost"
The battle's won, but the child is lost"
Another Companion of The Doctor's is River Song, A.K.A. Melody Pond, A.K.A. Child of the T.A.R.D.I.S (She has most of the abilities of a Time Lord- like the ability to regenerate.) Yup, Amy and Rory had a kid who they never got to raise (River was kidnapped by Madame Kovarian, who is in cahoots with The Silence. Then, Amy causes her to regenerate, not knowing she was her daughter, while pregnant with her. Then she is Amy's childhood best friend, Mels, who is brilliant enough to know that Amy and Rory are her parents from early on. Mels gets in constant trouble so Amy can be her parent while growing up with her. Then, finally, she is River Song. She is conditioned to hate The Doctor, to kill The Doctor. And, she succeeds, but realizes she made a terrible mistake and forfeits all her regeneration energy so he can live, knowing one day they would fall in love.
Like Amy and Rory, they go on many adventures together. River Song is like this great mystery to The Doctor, and he doesn't stop until he finds out who she really is. When she is no longer a mystery, she is something very near and dear to him.
Oswin Oswald: Rescue me chin boy and show me the stars.
Doctor: Go ahead and say it; they all do.
Clara Oswin Oswald: It's smaller on the inside.
Doctor: Well, that's new.
The Doctor spends a good amount of time alone, leaving the universe to fend for itself, and refused to take another Companion until Clara comes around. She's this new shining toy to him, and he wants to understand why she keeps coming up in his life. Clara's odd. She likes adventure, she likes new, and she likes old. First she was a mind trapped inside a Dalek. Then, she was a Victorian governess. Now, she is a 21st century nanny looking for more adventure. For the first time, The Doctor went to her- not the only way around. She battles ghosts, ice monsters, and many other creatures.
She's still running with him, having her time with the ancient hero.
Clara Oswin: Why you still here? Why you here at all?
The Doctor: Oy! You phoned me. You were looking for the Internet.
Clara Oswin: That was you?
The Doctor: Of course it was me.
Clara Oswin: How'd you get here so fast?
The Doctor: I just happened to be in the neighbourhood on my mobile phone.
Clara Oswin: When you say mobile phone, why do you point at that blue box?
The Doctor: Because it's a surprisingly accurate description.
The Doctor: Oy! You phoned me. You were looking for the Internet.
Clara Oswin: That was you?
The Doctor: Of course it was me.
Clara Oswin: How'd you get here so fast?
The Doctor: I just happened to be in the neighbourhood on my mobile phone.
Clara Oswin: When you say mobile phone, why do you point at that blue box?
The Doctor: Because it's a surprisingly accurate description.
Clara: [voice-over] I don't know where I am. The Doctor: Clara! Clara: [voice-over] I just know I'm running. Sometimes it's like I've lived a thousand lives in a thousand places. I'm born, I live, I die. And always there's the Doctor. Always I'm running to save the Doctor again and again and again. And he hardly ever hears me. But I've always been there. Clara: [speaking to the first Doctor] Doctor. The Doctor: Yes? What is it? What do you want. Clara: [voice-over] Right from the very beginning Clara: [to the first Doctor] Sorry. But you were about to make a very big mistake. Don't steal that one; steal this one. The navigation system's knackered, but you'll have much more fun. Clara: [voice-over] Right from the day he started running.
"I’m born, I live, I die. And always, there’s the Doctor. Always, I’m running to save the Doctor, again, and again, and again. And he hardly ever hears me. But I’ve always been there."