I broke my promise.
Perhaps it is because I am older than I was with the last election. Perhaps it is because this election was slandered with political propaganda, and my social media was full of it. Perhaps it is because I see how the people with power truly influence the lesser people. I don't know. All I know is that I let myself be subjected to this amazing thing called democracy, and I'm appalled by the results.
Before I truly begin my post, let me explain that this is not another post that is to demean the new president, or who almost became president. This is not to subject you, my readers, to my own views. (Because, quite frankly, I still don't know how to process this.) This is not to meant to be another protesting post, with the same points as any other post in this country.
This post is to establish to you that what is happening in America, to our people, is wrong, and we should not be silent.
Now, I said that this isn't a protesting post. It isn't. I'm not protesting that Trump became president, or that Hillary lost. It isn't my place to. I didn't vote. I didn't want to vote. And, if we are honest, he did win fair and square. I don't care that he won. Even though he had word vomit throughout the debates, I have a tiny bit of hope that he could be a good president to this country. I would've said the same thing about Hillary. No, what I'm protesting is how the American people are reacting, and the injustice.
There are two sides to this story.
On one side, you have Hillary supporters, who are rioting the streets, and are causing a big fuss. I can understand your worry. I can understand that you are afraid. I do understand, truly. And I am so, so terribly sorry that you are being subjected to this cruelty that your fellow countrymen are giving you. However, there is no reason to become unruly. Are you not the ones who wish for peace? Demand peace with peace. Be like Martin Luther King Jr. and the women's suffragettes. Their points were heard, they were dealt with, but they were dealt with peacefully.
On the other side, you have American people-- neighbors, brothers and sisters, friends, who are terrorizing innocent bystanders by ripping off their hijabs and attacking others. African Americans and other colored people are being told to sit in the back of the bus again. Women are afraid to walk on the street, for fear they'll be attacked. Muslim women are not wearing their religious dressing because they are being called a terrorist, and are being physically assaulted. Latinos are being told they are going to be deported, and that the wall couldn't come up soon enough. These attacks, these threats, they are going without being reprimanded by law enforcement. Other bystanders are just letting it happen.
What is this? What is your goal in this?
A better question is: Is this the world you want your children-- your sons and daughters, to grow up in?
I can understand that we are not all influential people. We do not all have money. We do not all have the means to fight back. But we all do have a voice. We can speak out against these harmful doings. We can protest civilly. We can stay true to what America represents. Without that, without staying true, we are nothing but a group of chickens with our heads cut off.
Everyone matters. The Muslims, the LGBTQ+'s, the women, the children, the colored people, the Latino's, the white men, etc... Everyone matters. We did not come so far in history, only to walk back a few decades in the course of a couple days. No, America is stronger than that. Like everything that we see, and everything that happens to us, we will overcome such wrongdoings and come out on top.
Dear Readers, we are all the same. Our skin tone, sexuality, or backgrounds do not change who we truly are. We blame the new president for the American people's actions, but it is not his fault. He is not the one committing such heinous acts of violence. It is the people. People on both sides are committing acts against the other. It is time we stop this arguing, and time we unite again. We may not see eye to eye, and that is okay. We don't have to. But we must get along, and work together to maintain peace within the country, lest we want another civil war.
I am but one person. I have a meek voice.
But, together, we have a bellowing voice that can be heard for miles. Perhaps it's time we use that voice, and do good, rather than bad.