Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Doctor Who: Tennant Era

(David Tennant)

      I said in last weeks post that I would do a series of Doctor Who posts; here is the second installment of them.  David Tennant: The lover boy of Doctor Who.  Well, there are a lot of lover boys in  Doctor Who, but David Tennant is one of my favorites.  He is... he is charismatic, quirky, passionate, and just plain loveable.
      Tennant made his first appearance as The Doctor on January 18, 2005 in The Parting of Ways.  He and the Ninth Doctor's companion, Rose, have many travels together.  They defeat a werewolf curse (they are pretty sure Queen Victoria- the woman who started Torchwood- started a line of werewolf genes in the royal family), defeat the Sycorax, Daleks, Cybermen, etc..  Rose's run ends in the episode Doomsday, where she is taken to a parallel universe with her mother to save their lives. 

Rose: *to the Queen* Are you amused?
      After Rose, The Doctor had a hard time coping.  He loved Rose; he even came close to admitting it, though he never did until Journey's End. (Warning: You will need a box of tissues and a bowl of ice-cream.  Do not watch under emotional stress.)
Rose: If it's really you, tell me what was the last thing you said.  Go on, say it!
Doctor 1: Rose Tyler, I-
Doctor 2: *whispers in her ear* I love you.

Doctor: I only have one life.  I could spend it with you... if you want.
      After Rose, there was Martha.  Though she didn't last very long, they had a good run. 
      Following Martha, Donna Noble took the role of a companion.  She and the Doctor grew very close, becoming wonderful friends.  Donna grew with him, but unfortunately, she absorbed the time vortex energy and had to have her memory taken away from her. 
      After Journey's End, The Doctor traveled solo for a little bit before he regenerated.

                    Martha: I was.  I was good.                     Donna Noble: Oi! Watch it spaceman!

       David Tennant had quite a run.  He battled so many and so much, and when he went, it was heart breaking.  He is a fabulous actor, igniting many feelings.  We see him again in the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, co-starring with Matt Smith, John Hurt, and Jenna Louise Coleman.  In the end, we hear him say one of his iconic sayings: "I don't want to go."
      We didn't either, David, we didn't either.

Doctor: That... Is... BRILLIANT!
Donna: Who was she, Doctor?  What was her name?
Doctor: Her name was Rose.
Doctor: What year is it?
Rose: Are you drunk?  It's 2005!
Doctor: It is? You're going to have a great year.

River: Hello Sweetie.
Doctor: Who are you?

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