Thursday, July 23, 2015

Paper Towns by John Green
(This is a clickable image.)
      John Green has this profound ability to make you believe something.  He can make you believe that it is going to be this great, fantastic, absolutely thrilling adventure going on (even if it's just two teenagers running around), makes you fall in love with this creation he has made, and then crushes your soul (either by killing off a character, or something equally tragic.)  But he does it in such a brilliant way that I keep coming back for more.
      After reading this book, I went into my moms room, nearly in tears.  This is kind of how it went down: 
      Mom: Did you finish it?
      Me: Yes, yes I did.
      Mom: Did you like it?
      Me: Why does he do this to us?  Why does he raise our hopes so high, make us believe that everything will be okay, end good this time, you know?  Whyyyyyy (Cue very long, dramatic sigh), oh whyyyyy (a few tears leaked here), does he make everything so sad?! 
      Mom: Why do you read his books if you know you'll cry?
      Me: (with my mouth agape) Because he's absolutely BRILLIANT!
      Mom: Well, it's the price to pay for a brilliant book, I guess.
      Well said, mother, dear, well said.  My tears and sorrow are the price for such a brilliantly written novel.
      Any who, after that rant, I suppose I should get the actual book.   I just thought it would be nice to know what you were getting yourself into once you picked up the actual book.  I mean, I waited and waited until I saw the movie trailer to it, because I knew how he worked.  But, don't let this discourage you.  I highly suggest you pick up the book.
      Quentin... is like a lot of the nerdy teenagers in all of the world.  He is best friends with the band geeks, his ex-girlfriend was a band geek, he has a crush with who he think is the most amazing girl in the world, and so on.  The only problem with Quentin is he is incredibly paper, according to Margo, in the paper town of Orlando, Florida.  He likes the same old, boring routine, that is, until Margo Roth Spiegelman and he sneak out into the night to go on some crazy, eleven part adventure. 
      Margo Roth Spiegelman (I haven't the slightest idea how you would pronounce her last name.  Honestly, it's a bit of a mouth full to begin with.)  is a doer.  She is crazy to go on the adventures she has, but must truly be insane to plan all of them out herself. 
      She takes Quentin out on this amazing adventure in the middle of the night, getting revenge on everyone who she felt wronged her.  Be warned, you will be a giggly mess in part one, because they do some pretty crazy things, like: throwing fish in peoples cars, taking pictures of cheating boyfriend's tiny region, removing a guys left eyebrow.  If that isn't enough, they broke into SeaWorld, just for the hell of it.

      That's the thing about Margo.  She sees the world so much differently than Quentin, yet he doesn't even begin to care.  Then again, he can't even begin to fathom what goes on in her mind.  What Margo wants, is adventure.  Pure, unplanned adventure.  And she gets it.  In a way, so does Quentin, because she brought out a side to him he didn't know he had.
      Then, all of a sudden, Margo goes missing, and Quentin takes it upon himself to find her, and becomes a little obsessed with the idea of finding someone who he believes wants to be found, but really doesn't.  He searches EVERYWHERE for a month.  Then again, who wouldn't search EVERYWHERE for a month for the person they love.  I don't want to even begin thinking about the amount of gas it would take to go everywhere, or why his parents were so chill with him leaving like he did.  I also don't have a clue as to why John Green makes these teenager's parents in all of his books so chill and... a bit strange to be honest.
      To find out the end of the book, you will just have to read it.  It's too big of a spoiler for me to just tell you.
      The movie is also coming out soon, so I will definitely be going to see that. 
      If I were asked to rate the book (1-10), though, I'd give it a twenty. 


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